Who will win in a fight between Dr Manhattan and Galactus Starving. Manhattan turn Galactus even stronger.
Dr Manhattan Vs Galactus Battles Comic Vine
Posted by 1 month ago.

Dr manhattan vs galactus. As Galactus has the same ability to control matter as Manhattan he would be able to withstand a disintegration attack. Its called Dr Manhattan syndrome. The fact of the matter is in their previous encounter in SupermanFantastic Four Galactus was able to transform Superman into his herald so defeating him should take no great effort.
He recognized immediately that Galactus used tech and cosmic energy. Dr Manhattan Vs Galactus. Manhattan unveiled his plan for the mainstream DC Universe laying waste to most of the Justice League en route to his inevitable confrontation with Superman.
Shortly after reaching public awareness Dr. Jan 6 2009 Messages. 21 Kane52630 May 11 2011.
Though the band broke up years ago and played their final show in 2010 theyve reunited multiple times with their most recent performance being as opening act for The Front Bottoms in 2014. And he doesnt have weaknesses. Lifebringer is basically galactus at full power since he no longer needs sustenance.
Manhattan is more intelligent that Reed so it is not unfathomable that Dr. Regular well fed Galactus vs current Dr Manhattan. A series of symptoms that usually involve vs debaters wanking the character to really high levels because the character hasnt been defeated or harmed by anything in their universe.
Dr Manhattan Dr Manhattan is stronger in terms of raw power and have more abilities than Galactus. Unlike Galactus who needs to eat planets to be powerful. But he would only stop galactus if it upset the balance of the universe if it didnt he would just let him destroy the earth.
He could very well teleport Galactus into a dimension where nothing exists for Galactus to eat basically starve him to death or hibernation. I do believe that Dr. Dr manhattan would potentially beat franklin richards and turn galactus into a a vase of flowers in the process.
- Power of the cosmos - Can change size - Energy projection. Dr Manhattan versus Galactus Starving. Aside from spawning a film and highly regarded HBO series in Doomsday Clock Dr.
Life Bringer Galactus vs Current Dr Manhattan. The thing is Marvel and DC both have many characters who can do what Manhattan is. Manhattan who has a relatively low amount and in comparison low caliber.
The only information we have on Dr. Lets start with Galactus. Watchmen was a masterpiece of the genre redefining what superhero comics could be and influencing an entire generation of comic book creators.
Manhattan comes from a 12 comic mini-series. Although he can grow to a similar size we could see Galactus simply consuming the god and carrying on with his business. Dr Manhattan Vs Galactus.
He constructs his world ship from his power. Manhattan is nowhere near Galactuss power so he can just quickly teleport away from planet to planet until Galactus catches up and eats him. Galactus has much larger feats than Dr.
Manhattan signed with Vagrant Records and they played Warped Tour two years running 2007-2008. Galactus vs Doctor Manhattan in Hindi SUPERBATTLE - YouTube. Manhattan would see it as.
Manhattan has the ability to reconstruct himself when destroyed and Galactus only weakness is the Fantastic Four Avengers and if I remember right the anti-monitor Id say Dr. The odds would definitely be stacked against Dr Manhattan. View Entire Discussion 32 Comments More posts from the whowouldwin community.
Blue Penis has the upper hand. Manhattan isnt even a contest. Galactus wont have the chance of eating him hes too slow.
He makes the infinity stones look like toys. Such an ancient being really wouldnt be phased by another deity. Dr Manhattan doesnt require sustenance whereas Galacths does.
Galactus does everything Manhattan does and more at magnitudes greater. I think thats a win for the man with a purple helmet 20 AChoPoP May 11 2011. Moreover any attempt to attack Galactus in the past would be futile as his vulnerable form existed before this universe did and is not necessarily subject to the same laws of physics as this universe.
Mon Pediatre
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