You will not need anything but have it all - The Present. It is called The Present and you can read it here for free.
I found this website after watching listening to several Alan Watts lectures on youtube and noticed this website was in a comment on a few of them so I gave it a shot.

Truth contest the present. He is so right. It basically tries to explain what the truth of life is and I found it. It is interesting that the NOW is called the present The present is the ultimate gift.
Discussion in Self-Help Books started by savannahtree Dec 22 2013. The Truth Contest - The PresentThe Present with Religion. Top entries to date.
Google The Truth Contest and find out the ultimate truth They also have multiple likes. I admit I found the book Disturbing upon first reading it but after checking out a few things and piecing it together it all makes sense and are things I could verify in my own life. I find it amusing that all of the Truth Contest rewiews for The Present and The Present with religion sound alike.
The Present universal truth Recently I come across a website created and run by a group of college students where anyone can enter a contest dedicated to finding and spreading the truth about life and death the ultimate truth. This contest is seeking the answers to the big questions of life where we come from where we are going why we are here the truth about life and death. What is life in simple words.
If not and I have now caught your interest why not give it a look. You are given the present every second and you will receive it forever. First of all has anyone heard of The Truth Contest.
What happens to your mind when you die. What happened to Truth Contest. It is a way of seeing what fundamentall The author brings together science and religion in a way to show the continuity of the two disciplines in a way that know one ever really has.
If you know the answers make an entry. If you want a full rebuttal check out this guy warning hes. Notice the caps and the exclamations That book the Present is amazing.
Call me an unaccepting ignorant but this stuff seems very cult - ish. Michaels explanation of the truth or that which is probably most closely mirrors what the buddha called present moment awareness or mindfullness. This could entail philosophy science religion prophecy or simply themselves.
This video examines the truth behind Truth Contest and loo. Although this is a devastating loss of the greatest seer of truth in the history of humankind the. Everyone wins because we will have the best entries together.
It explains what it calls the ultimate truth about how life works in just 3 pages. It is just the best way to find define and spread the truth. Lets get honest about the truth of life.
What happened to the book called The Present by Michael Smith. They all essentially say the same thing. Michael Smith - THE PRESENT - THE TRUTH CONTEST.
In the future people will play a lot. Truth Contest is not a competition with a winner. I have started to see them pop up again.
I was wondering if anyone knows if he has written any other inspired books about the truth about life. The present with religion. It is the gift of truth and life.
Was wondering if anyone has stumbled across this book besides me. I used to see these YouTube comments advertising The Truth Contest around 2 years ago. It makes a lot of sense and is supposed to replace the theology of Xenu that was science fiction intended to help the organization of Scientology look more like a church and help with the tax-exempt status from the IRS.
The most clear complete and accurate explanation of the truth will be on top followed by the next best. The Truth Contest This contest is seeking the answers to the big questions of life where we come from where we are going why we are here the truth about life and death. The rest of the material is supplementary information that explains why the first three pages are true.
Micheal Smith is the author of The Present at Truth Contest. Lets get honest about the truth of life Yes that site. Its a stupid cultish pyramid scam suckering new-age religious reform fanatics into spending half an hour daily into spamming links and BS into Pink Floyd and Beatles comment sections.
I do not know whether this forum appreciates the pasting of other website. If you know the answers make an entry. They normally say something along the lines of Do you question reality.
We will be child-like but not childish or irresponsible be carefree but not careless innocent but not ignorant. The present is the only thing that exists the only thing you are ever conscious of. This book is online for free if you type TruthContest into a search index like Google or Yahoo.
Mon Pediatre
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